The Migrator is destroyed :((

Poor Migrator , i fought it will have a chance to survive :((

I Did It, I saw Rockhopper

I found Rockhopper at the Beach !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please leave a comment with your opinion about Rockhopper .
Coooooooooool, Huh ?

The poor "Migrator" is half in the water :(

Rockhopper has landed and left in his boat some life vests !

Yeeees, Rockhopper survived and his in Club Penguin. You can see his boat and his Puffle in the Beach.
1. Click on the Map in he lower left corner.
2. Click on the Beach.
3. Click on the life vests.
Coooooool !!!

Mission 6 "Questions of a Crab" !

Cool, the new mission appeared, it's coooooool.

My unmember suit !

The cape is for members but it is also to prove i am the real David Avram :)

The New Sombrero Pin !

1. Go into the "Forrest".
2. Click 2 times on the donkey piniata.
3. From inside the piniata will fall down a sombrero.
4. Click on the sombrero and pick it up.
5. Now you have the new sombrero pin.

New free item (the macaracas)

1. Go into the "Town".
2. Enter the "Nightclub".
3. Click on the macaras box hidden in the lower right corner fof the screen.

Rockhopper Shipwrecked!

Wow, Rockhopper's ship was hitted by the little iceberg. I think this is related with the new mission.

What do you think, is Rockhopper in big trouble ? If you see him leave a coment please.

Sport Catalog - Zero Coins Glitch

1. Go to Ski Village.
2. Enter the Sport Shop.
3. Click on the catalog.
4. Go to the Sport Furnitre page and look at your coins.
5. Go to the last page.
6. Come back to the Sport Furniture page.
7. Look at your coins and youl see there writes, ZERO.

New Igloo Organizer

The new igloo organizer has been released. I think the members are impresed about this.
But i have bad news, the moving items in members igloos has been fixed :(

No Stage at the Plaza in Jet Pack Adventure !

Strange! In Jet Pack Adventure at level 2 where you finish at the Plaza, STOP before landing on the Pizza Shop and look between the Pet Shop and Pizza Shop there is no Stage. The moderators may forgot to upgrade the game.

Trick: Sit in any direction!

To sit in any direction in Club Penguin do the following:
1. Move yor penguin in any dirrection you want to sit.
2. Now press "s" on you keyboard.

Club Penguin Secret Quick Keys

Above are the documents Quick Keys.

Here are a few Club Penguin secret quick keys.

Type: e i = igloo
Type: e t = "toot" noise
Type: e n = stars & moon

Secret: Here's another Club Peguin banner animation

You can make two penguins say, "hello" on the banner of the home page.
2. Click on "Contact Us" button.
3. Click on the door of the "Gift Shop" in the banner.
4. Then quicly click on the door of the Coffee Shop.

Change the Penguin on the Home Page into a Ninja (among other things)

Here is a cool trick. You can change the big blue penguin on home page.
2. Click on "N" on the "Nightclub" sign on the banner.
3. Now repeatedly click on the big blue penguin to change it.

Glitch: Chat in a No-Chat Server

Here is how to chat in an Ultimate Safe Chat Only (chat disabled) server.
1. Log onto a no-chat server (see pic above)
2. Now go into any room.
3. Click on "Edit Account".
4. Uncheck the "Ultimate Safe Mode".
5. Now close the window.
6. Click on Map and now go into a different room.

Glitch: Move furniture in a members igloo!

Here is how to move furniture around Club Penguin's members igloos.
1. Click on "Your Igloo" icon.
3. Now click on the Membrs Igloos.
4. Select any members Igloo.
5. Now yo can click on any item and move it!

Secret levels in Club Penguin Astro Berier!

Here is how to find the SECRET levels in Astro Berrier.
1. Click the Map icon in the lower left corner.
2. Go to "Town".
3. Click on the "Night Club" door.
4. Now go upstairs.
5. Click on the "Astro Berrier" game.
6. Click Start. Do NOT press "Enter"!
7. You must go to te 10th level by pressing "1".
8. Now you must play and pass level 10.
9. WAIT on the next screen between 20 and 30 seconds.
10. Now shoot the blue ship.

Cheat: Skip levels in Club Penguin Astro Berrier!

1. Click on the Map icon.
2. Go to "Town".
3. Click on the "Night Club" door.
4. Now go upstairs.
5. Click on the "Astro Berier" door.
6. Click Start. Do NOT pess "Enter"!
7. Now press "1","2" or "3" on your keyboard to go toleel 10, 20 or 30.

Chocolate Sugar Pizza!

Here is how to make a Club Penguin Chocolate Sugar Pizza.

1. Click the Map icon in the lower left.
2. Click on The Plaza.
3. Click on the door to the Pizza place.
4. Click on the Kitchen (Play Pizzatron).
5. Now click on the red lever to open it to the right (see pic above).

TIP: How do you catch the Mullet

Here is how you catch the big fish in the Club Penguin Ice Fishing game:

1. Go to the Map ion in the lower left corner.
2. Click on Ski Village.
3. Click on the Log Cabin's door.
4. Click onthe Gone Fishing door.
5. Play Ice Fishing game.
6. Toword the end you will see the mullet fish swimming in the background.
7. You will need to catch a regular fish and use it as bait.
8. Keep the fish in the water and on your hook untl the mullet comes up and bites.

TIP: Hidde Club Penguin Friendship Bracelet

To find the Club Penguin hidden Friedship Bracelet do the following:
1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left corner.
2. Click on "Town".
3. Click on Cofee Shop door.
4. Click on the star case.
5. Click on the Book icon in the lower right corner.
6. Click on the book "Rockhopper and the stowaway".
7. Go to the last page.
8. Now click on the colorful FriendshipBracelet.

The Iceberg is back and a New Mission!

Take look through the telescop at the Lighthouse! The Iceberg si back!!

Also in HQ, take a lk at the bulletin board, it says "Crab Translator Ready Soon". Cool I've expected there will be a new mission and i think that is related with the floating Iceberg.


Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal!

The new play at the Stage is Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal! It looks pretty cool. It loks pretty cool. The coolest part is the "Switch Box 3000". It has some awersome stage effects. Most are cool explosions or lazers. One changes the background. Also check ot the masked yellow Puffle! Try them ot. Also, there is a new Costume Trunk Catalog. I just LOVE the Squidzoid costume.

New Production at The Stage

This Friday, there will be a new play at "The Stage". But what it will be? Does anyone have any guesses?
I'm sorry i don't know the name but i am just at the beginning of this when i will be able to contact "Billybob" and other moderators i will tell you about bigger secrets on Club Penguin.

"Nubbin" in Regular Club Penguin

Here is a different way to Nub and you don't have to be in the .swf version of Club Penguin. If you are new and don't know, "Nubbin" is hiding under the chat bar. It's kinda fun especially if no one else knows you are there.

Here's how to Nub.

1. Go tothe "Cove"
2. Go to the very, very bottom right corner of the screen like shown below.
3. Now click over by the Map about at the red circle in the second picture.

Now You Are Nubbin!

The cool thing about this Nub is that your penguin stops before it gets to the edge of the chat bar.

A lot of penguins know how to do the original Nub. But if you don't know, first go to witch is the large version of Club Penguin. Then press "F11"on the keyboard. You will now see a white board will move under the chat bar. NOW YOU ARE NUBBIN THE OLD WAY.

Nubbin is groovy. Do you know any other ways to Nub?

New Club Penguin Clothing Catalog Cheats !

To find the new January hidde Clothing Catalog cheats do this.

1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left corner.
2. Click on "Town".
3. Go to the "Gift Shop".
4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in lower right corner.

To find the hidde Red Viking Helmet do this.

5. Click to the 2nd page of the catalog.
6. Click on the Cactus.

To find the hidden BLUE Viking helmet do this.

7. Click On and OFF the red Viking Helmet 4 times.
To find the hidden apro do this.
8. Go to the 8th page of the catalog.
9. Click on the BlUe Back Pack.